Valuing Customer Opinion

Valuing Customer Opinion

The Importance of Online Reviews
Customer opinions and trends are important for businesses to continue being successful. They highlight the value placed on the company and its products. Customers give…

19 June 2017
Tackling the Problem of Food Waste

Tackling the Problem of Food Waste

It is thought that, in 2015, UK households binned £13bn worth of food – food that could have been eaten. In London alone, one million bags of salad are…

7 June 2017
Sustainability of Fairtrade Foods

Sustainability of Fairtrade Foods

Sustainability and fairtrade are two concepts which intermingle and overlap in many senses. One is the act of providing a fair wage and sourcing of the product, whilst the…

3 May 2017
The Importance of Customer Insight

The Importance of Customer Insight

Understanding the needs and desires of your customer is one of the most important things to consider when creating consumer products. This is something that food manufacturers should be…

30 March 2017