Estrella Galicia is KLBD Kosher Certified.

Estrella Galicia is KLBD Kosher Certified.

28 December 2011

Estrella Galicia recently secured its growth with a 7.3 million Euros investment in its brewery in A Coruna to double its production capacity. In the past 10 years, Hijos de Rivera has invested over 276 million Euros in all areas of activity with the goal of modernising production centres, expanding the range of products, and enhancing its customer service.

This investment has led to very positive results. All of these operations, both national and international enable its products to be found in 30 countries around the world, with a goal to continue expanding. And there is more: the Spanish forum of “Marcas Renombradas” recognised Estrella Galicia for its international reputation.

Estrella Galicia has joined the ‘Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands’ (or Foro de Marcas Renombradas Espanolas) , an initiative that brings together the leading Spanish brands in order to recognise their reputation, to act as an interlocutor to public institutions and develop strategies to promote their visibility and internationalization.

The Executive Committee of the Forum decided to recognise Estrella Galicia as a member of this exclusive organization, to which only a bit more than 100 companies are members. Thus, Estrella Galicia became the first Spanish beer brand to join this group. The main requirements to be admitted as a member in ‘Marcas Renombradas Forum’ besides being of Spanish origin is maintaining an excellent reputation, achieving high brand awareness and a broad level of internationalization. The international presence of Estrella Galicia has increased in recent years.

One of its more remarkable achievements was landing on the Chinese market in the year 2010 during the Shanghai Expo, which led to the creation of a local distributor in the Asian country. It also has great importance in the Mercosur area in South America, where the brewery is making a significant commitment to consolidate in the market for this group of countries with huge potential for growth, a demand that may be met with ease thanks to increased production capacity given the new facilities. To best serve their full range of customers and further accentuate their already excellent and rigorous quality standards, Estrella Galicia has chosen another major certification; KLBD kosher certification.

The reason in obtaining this certification is to offer customers the option to consume a beer produced under the highest standards of kosher. Therefore, it can meet the social and economic needs of various cultures and societies – present and future – with an added value to their already excellent products.

Aya Sueiro – Director of the exportation department of Estrella Galicia – stresses that “continually being in touch with the KLBD team of Rabbi’s and coordinators, and finally completing the Kosher Certification process was a very enriching experience for us”. She notes that “our sales forecasts in Israel for the coming year are very positive, so we are very satisfied with the first perceptions of the market that we are receiving.”

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