MDD Expo 2015

Kosher certification of private label brands was high on the agenda at MDD Expo where experts from the field of private label products gathered from 31 March to 1 April.
The event took place in Paris, France at Porte de Versailles in Hall 3.
MDD Expo covered a broad range of food products, including:
- Dairy
- Groceries and Beverages
- Meats, Seafoods and Delicatessen Foods
- Frozen and Fresh Foods
Non-food products featured at the exhibition included:
- Cosmetics
- Hygiene
- Bazaar
MDD Expo attracted experts from organisations large and small, representing both food and non-food industries.
These visitors were able to view a spectacular array of items on display including top of the price range, locally-produced, and products from across the world.
There were two ‘Villages’ at MDD Expo which showcased “Village Ingrédients” and “Village Pépites”:
“Village Ingrédients” was all about how to enhance the taste, feel and nourishment of foods.
“Village Pépites” featured a carefully selected group of small businesses operating in food and non-food industries, who made their expertise available to visitors at MDD Expo.
Kosher certification experts from KLBD met many representatives from a varied range of food and non-food organisations, based in France plus other mainland European countries and from across the world, to discuss how kosher certification can boost their business success by providing access to wider markets and more customers.