Responsibility of Food Manufacturers

12 September 2016

Consumers expect safety and quality when they purchase and consume food. More than that, they have a right to them, so it’s important that the food industry takes this responsibility seriously by implementing measures and controls that oversee the production and processing of food.

This means that manufacturers do indeed have a degree of responsibility when it comes to the ingredients they use and the way in which the final product is created. But what exactly does this responsibility imply?


Food Waste and Rubbish

Given that in the UK 18 million tonnes of food end up in a landfill every year, which brings severe consequences to the economy, the environment and the population, especially those living in poverty, it’s clear that manufacturers’ accountability starts here.

After all, extending the shelf-life of products, as well as packaging food with the correct portion-size and packaging, can avoid waste and rubbish. Taking care of food waste can also benefit manufacturers, as they can ultimately reduce the waste of their own operations as well, leading to a reduction in costs.

Even though manufacturers have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to food waste, this has to be a joint effort with consumers. This is because they are the ones who purchase the products. With, 44% of all food waste happening at the consumer level the public has a very important role in reducing waste.


Another very important element which manufacturers should focus on is the ingredients that go into the food in the first place. This means all the ingredients, natural or not, that are incorporated in the products, including those that enhance the flavour, colour and texture or extend the shelf-life of the end product.

Sixty two percent of the adult population and 28% of children between 2 and 15 years of age in the UK are overweight or obese. Many people feel that food manufacturers are partly to blame because they are supposedly not doing their part to tackle the nation’s obesity problem.

The number of additives and calories in food has been growing over the years. The development is linked to health issues and obesity. One way manufacturers can help address this issue is by reducing the additive and calorie content in order to produce healthier products.

It is argued that sugar is yet another ingredient that affects health and that is present in many foods. Reducing the level of sugar in processed and pre-packaged foods, for instance, can have a positive impact on people’s health.


Properly labelling food is extremely important, especially when dealing with allergens. People with allergies need to be very careful about what they eat. Manufacturers should be adding advisory labels and cross-contamination warnings, as well as ‘may contain’ labels, so as to avoid health risks. Managing customer expectations will lead to returning customers.


Manufacturers are responsible for the safety of the food they produce; after all they are the ones who know exactly what ingredients were specified and how the products were processed.

Becoming certified can help you, as a manufacturer, stay on top of your responsibilities. Certification brings many benefits to you and your business. If you would like to learn more about what we can do for you, do not hesitate to talk to us on +44 (0) 208 343 6255.

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